Walking in fresh snow this winter is a totally different sensation than swimming in the ocean at Venice Beach these past previous years.
Les Plaisirs d’hiver (or winter wonders) organized by the city of Brussels consist of a wide array of attractions in the vicinity of the Grand Place and a highly promoted Christmas market. Commercially exploited to cater to thousands of locals and tourists, the merchants, set up in prefab chalets, sell all kinds of X-mas gifts and various comfort foods, from sauerkraut with sausages, greasy donuts, pancakes with Nutella chocolate spread, all flushed away with huge amounts of mulled wine and/or liquor shots. Any excuse to stay warm will do.
Though I like hearing the different languages and dialects of the people, I cannot stand the smell of the pungent food for longer than a few minutes, and am escaping in search of more creative inspiring activities.
In the evening I attend a screening of “Turquaze”, as part of a small film festival featuring recent Belgian films. Telling the obstacles of a young Flemish-Turkish couple amidst deeply rooted cultural traditions, the film has serious flaws.
More enjoyable is the post-screening reception, where I ran into a fellow LA friend/expat & actor, J.P. We are sharing our stories on (re)new(ed) living and professional experiences and challenges in our native country … , mutual encouraging words feel good.
On Sunday afternoon wandering through more fresh snow to Gallery Espace Blanche (white space) – is white a theme here? – for a festive lunch, organized and prepared by the two female artists, Sophie S. (paintings) and Nath Kahan (sculpture), whose work is on display at the gallery.
Surrounded by strong and personal art, live jazzy sounds by family members of the artists, playful children, I munch on delicious food and embrace the impressions of these warm moments. I really love Sophie’s acrylic and mixed media paintings, inspired by “the impression of a sacred dance, where the sea and the earth hug each other” (sic Sophie S.).
For me now it’s dancing (if not slipping) in the snow on the way home!
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