Reading a definition in the Merriam-Webster dictionary: “to go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of opposition, importunity, or warning”. Does that reflect in many ways my personality? Must admit.
It is also the title of a new book by Peter Clothier: “Persist, in praise of the creative spirit in a world gone mad with commerce.” His latest book is a collection of essays, written over the past thirty years, addressing in a variety of ways the predicament of the artist in a cultural climate in which celebrity and established commercial track record too often count for more than talent and quality of work.
I attended a lecture this weekend by the author and writing coach at Arena 1 Gallery. What struck me is that he is against the “artist statement”. Just “do it”, and be persistent with your “personal, creative practice”, says Peter.
Wouldn’t call it an artist statement per se, yet Michele D. Lee “began a serious pursuit of painting to relieve the stress and tension that accompanies her high powered job”. Since her work, figurative abstracts of moving nudes, inspired by dancers, resonates with me, I dropped by The Happening Gallery where Michele is part of a group show, on Saturday eve. We exchanged some interesting thoughts about the energy emerged from dancing and creating art.
Shifting the artistic palate to an oenological one, with a nice wine tasting and good conversation on a beautiful deck overviewing the ocean, to end a motivational weekend.
To persist through creativity, cheers to that!
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